Health & Safety Overview

In Nevada County the age groups most likely to have health care coverage are 55-64 and 55-64, men and women, respectively. The location has a 1 to 78 primary care clinician to patient ratio and a Medicare reimbursement average per patient per year of $7,165.

Statistics and graphs are from DataUSA and are based on public US Government data. For more information.
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Medicare Enrollment & Reimbursements

At $11,222 Los Angeles County has the largest amount of Medicare Reimbursements per Enrollee in California. The next two highest amounts were in Orange County with $9,992 and in Kern County with $9,708.

Nevada County came in at $7,165 for the same time frame.

Coming Soon!

Homicide & Crime

The following map shows all of the counties in California colored according to the number of Homicide Deaths per 100,000 People.

Nevada County ranked at the very low end of the scale with 1.4 deaths per 100,000 vs. 10.6 for Monterey County, the highest rate in California.